Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Wow, typically when I take medication, they don't give me weird side effects like the current one I'm taking does. I won't mention what it is, but sheesh, I feel dizzy and spaced out like no other. I feel like going and playing HeartGold while eating raisins mixed with peanuts, all while listening to smooth jazz. I also feel like writing, or even drawing, but I sort of fear what I might produce while I'm in this odd state. Then again, when I come back to reality, it might prove to be quite interesting to say the least.

Anyhow, nothing new and interesting to report for now, aside from my paragraph of a rant. Will think of more to talk about when I'm not all looped out of my skull!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Quarantine = wat


Okay, so I just finished watching Quarantine for the first time. I'm a HUGE horror movie fan, and I figured "Well, sure! I've got nothing to lose, save for an hour and a half of my time!". It started out pretty slow, and it reminded me heavily of Cloverfield, minus the huge monster terrorizing New York City. Sure, the firefighters were cute, but the female lead was annoying as hell when they got to the duplex/apartment building. "NO, DON'T TURN OFF THE CAMERA, THERE'S ONLY PEOPLE WHO ARE GOING BATSHIT INSANE DUE TO A RABIES SORT OF DISEASE." Yeeeah, it was pretty corny. Though, I will say that they did a pretty good job on the infected people, since there aren't many zombie movies around that actually make things look convincing, or even frightening for that matter.

Pretty sexy, rite?

Any how, the ending is what made the movie terrible. It kept me interested for the most part, but the ending left me with my jaw dropped, struggling for words. Finally I just said, "WHAT IN THE BLUE HELL WAS THAT!?" and changed the channel. I swear, it was just like Cloverfield all over again -- HORRIBAD ending. I mean, it's not that the main characters all died, it was more or less the fact that it suddenly cut to black with no explanation, no real story development, and the infected victims had me interested enough to where I slammed into a brick wall at the end. I mean, Pet Sematary (the book and movie) had a better ending, and both those cut off right at a cliff hanger; then again, Stephen King is awesome and usually knows what he's doing.

I suppose I'm just reeling from yet another failure of a "horror" movie. I suppose it would fit more under thriller and suspense, unless you're a little kid flipping through channels and stumbles across this driveling piece of stupid. I honestly can't say I'm surprised, though, since movies nowadays are a hit or miss when it comes to quality, as well as a good plot. Shutter Island? Pretty good. Inception? Also pretty good. Avatar? Pretty graphics, shitty and overused story. The Last Airbender? Fuck you, M. Night Shamalamadingdog. Fuck you for ruining one of my favorite cartoons.

Well, then!

A friend of mine told me about this site, and I haven't blogged in years, so I figured why not? Any way, first post!